Year 8 Science
These are the topics that you will study throughout the year.
1 - September to November
Photosynthesis and respiration
Too much sugar and fat
Burning a Pringle
Evaporating Coke
The essential food groups
Food groups
Scientific eye - diet and nutrition
The food groups are rockin' tonight
A balanced diet
Healthy breakfast ideas
Acids and alkalis
Electricity and magnetism
2 - November to January 2021
Food chains, webs and ecosystems
The periodic table
The periodic table
In a nutshell - how big is an atom?
Scientific eye - The periodic table
Science in focus - Periodic Table Blind date
Scientific Eye - Elements
Amazing materials - Seeing through Science
Materials and their uses.
Alkali metals
Properties of group 1 metals
Brainiac alkali metals
Periodic table of videos - lithium
Periodic table of videos - sodium
Periodic table of videos - potassium
Periodic table of videos - rubidium
Periodic table of videos - caesium
Disposing of sodium
3- January to April
Adaptation and inheritance
DNews - You're DNA is a hard drive
Crash Course in DNA structure and replication
Medical Institution - How does all that DNA fit in a nucleus
DNA extractionStrawberry
DNA extractionHow to extract DNA from strawberries
BioNerd - Preparing a sample of her own DNA... DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
DNA discoveryThe discovery of DNA - The secret of life
Metals and acids
Motion and pressure
4 - April to May
The Earth